What Are The Best Therapies For Varicose Veins?


Varicose veins develop in the form of swollen and twisted veins in your legs or other body parts. They are more prominent blood vessels and appear dark blue to purple, sticking to the skin. They can appear anywhere in the body but mainly on the legs and ankles because of long-standing or sitting.  

Why varicose veins appear is also an important thing to know. The function of the legs is to bring back the blood in a one-way direction to the heart, and when blood doesn't go upward, blood clots are formed and develop varicose veins.



Symptoms of Varicose Vein 

Varicose veins in some people occur very slightly, which can only be seen when noticed. They mainly cause aching and swelling on the legs. You might feel a throbbing pain, heaviness in the leg, itching, swelling, swollen ankles, and burning in the legs. If your varicose veins are severely impacted, you might feel pain while touching and itching. 

Varicose veins can also build chronic skin and tissue differences such as discoloration and ulceration of the skin.

Procedure before beginning with the treatment:


The first thing your health care provider will perform is a physical exam of your legs while standing to check for swelling. Your provider will also ask you to describe how you feel the pain and aching in your legs.

Surgeries or other procedures for varicose veins:

The best way to treat a varicose vein is through self-care and compression stockings that your health care provider will provide. Still, if these dont work and your varicose veins become more severe, your surgeon might recommend surgery or other procedures. 


In the Sclerotherapy procedure, the health care provider will inject a solution into the varicose veins or foam that scars and closes the veins. These treated veins fade away within a week. This procedure can be done in a health care provider's office and does not need anesthesia. 

Laser treatment

Laser treatment is another procedure to treat varicose veins. In this procedure, the laser sends intense bursts of light into the veins, which help veins slowly fade away and disappear soon. This procedure includes no cuts or needles. 


This procedure uses radiofrequency, or laser energy makes the veins collapse. This method is the preferred treatment if you have more prominent varicose veins. 

During the process, the health care provider inserts a narrow tube called a catheter into the large varicose veins and heats the tip of the catheter using radiofrequency or laser energy to remove the veins. As the health care provider removes the catheter, the heat eliminates the vein, causing it to collapse and close.

High ligation and vein stripping

In this procedure, veins are tied off so they do not join other veins and are removed through minor cuts. 


This is an outpatient procedure for many people. Your health care provider will remove the smaller varicose veins through small skin holes. Only parts of the leg are numbed, which are pricked. You might have scarring, but generally minimal.


Try taking self-care — such as exercise, raising the legs when sitting or lying down, or wearing compression stockings, which can help you in the pain of varicose veins and might prevent them from getting worse. 

You can wear compression stockings all day, which is often the first strategy to try. Compression stockings help as they squeeze the legs, helping veins and leg muscles move blood more efficiently. They are available at most pharmacies and medical stores. Are you thinking about how much does varicose vein treatment cost? Visit or book an appointment if you suffer from varicose veins and discuss the cost and treatment options.

Article Source : https://www.articleentry.com/what-are-the-best-therapies-for-varicose-veins/ 


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